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  • J. I. Han, S. K. Park, and Yong-Hoon Kim, “Integrated Circuits, Photodiodes and Organic Field Effect Transistors,” Ch. 7 (Solution-processed Organic Thin-film Transistors), Nova Science Publishers, Sept. 2009.    [Link]


  • Yong-Hoon Kim, and S, K, Park, “Large Area and Flexible Electronics,” Ch. 2 (Metal Oxide Thin-Film Transistors for Flexible Electronics), Wiley, 2015.    [Link]



  1. J. H. Lee†, J. Y. Kwak, Kyobin Keum, K. S. Kim, I. Kim, M. -J. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*   (†equal contribution)
    Recent Advances in Smart Tactile Sensory Systems with Brain-Inspired Neural Networks
    Advanced Intelligent Systems, accepted, 2300631, 2024    [Link]


  2. Kyobin Keum, J. Y. Kwak, J. Rim, D. H Byeon, I. Kim, J. Moon,, S. K. Park* , Yong-Hoon Kim*   (†equal contribution)
    Dual-stream deep learning integrated multimodal sensors for complex stimulus detection in intelligent sensory systems
    Nano Energy, 122, 109342, 2024    [Link]

  3. Seungho Song†, C. Choi†, J. Ahn, J. J. Lee, J. Jang, B. S. Yu, J. P. Hong, Y. S. Ryu, Yong-Hoon Kim*, D. K. Hwang*  (†equal contribution)
    Artificial optoelectronic synapse based on spatiotemporal irradiation to source-sharing circuitry of synaptic phototransistors
    Infomat, 6 (2), e12479, 2024    [Link]

  4. Boyeon Park, San Nam, Youngjin Kang, S. P. Jeon, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park* , Yong-Hoon Kim*   
    Cation Doping Strategy for Improved Carrier Mobility and Stability in Metal-Oxide Heterojunction Thin-Film Transistors
    Materials Today Electronics, 8, 100090, 2024    [Link]

  5. S. H.  Kang, J. W. Jo, J. M. Lee, S. Moon, S. B. Shin, S. B. Choi, D. Byeon, J. Kim, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim* , J. W. Kim*, S. K. Park*   (†equal contribution)
    Full integration of highly stretchable inorganic transistors and circuits within molecular-tailored elastic substrates on a large scale
    Nature Communications, 15, 2814, 2024    [Link]

  6. N. KwonSeungho Song, J. Jin, S. Kim, K. Kim, G. W. Hwang, Y. Yi, S. J. Oh, N. Koch, Yong-Hoon Kim*, D. K. Hwang*, S. Park*   (†equal contribution)
    The influence of ligands passivation on strength of Fermi level pinning in the quantum dots interface
    Applied Surface Science, 664, 160235, 2024    [Link]

  7. Y. W. Jang†, J. Kim†, J. Shin, J. W. Jo, J. W. Shin, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. W. Cho*, S. K. Park*   (†equal contribution)
    Autonomous Artificial Olfactory Sensor Systems with Homeostasis Recovery via a Seamless Neuromorphic Architecture
    Advanced Materials, 36 (29), 2400614, 2024    [Link]

  8. S. P. Jeon†, J. W. Jo†, D. Nam, D. W. Kang, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* (†equal contribution)
    Junctionless Structure Indium–Tin Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Enabling Enhanced Mechanical and Contact Stability
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (29), 38198–38207, 2024    [Link]

  9. S. Khempet, S. Pudwat, N. Petchsang, T. Osotchan, Yong-Hoon Kim, Rawat Jaisutti*
    UV-Induced Room-Temperature Ethylene Sensors Based on Ag-Decorated ZnO Nanoflowers for Fruit Ripeness Monitoring
    ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7 (14), 16575–16584, 2024    [Link]


  1. J. H. Lee†, S. H. Kim†, J. S. Heo†, J. Y. Kwak, C. W. Park, I. Kim, M. Lee, H. H. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. J. Jee*, S. K. Park*   (†equal contribution)
    Heterogeneous Structure Omnidirectional Strain Sensor Arrays with Cognitively-Learned Neural Networks
    Advanced Materials, 35 (13), 2208184, 2023    [Link]


  2. C. Y. Park†, S. P. Jeon†, J. B. Park, H. B. Park, D. H. Kim, S. H. Yang, G. Kim, J. W. Jo, M. S. Oh, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* (†equal contribution)
    High-Performance ITO/a-IGZO Heterostructure TFTs Enabled by Thickness-Dependent Carrier Concentration and Band Alignment Manipulation
    Ceramics International, 49 (4), 5905-5914, 2023    [Link]

  3. Sunghyun ParkBoyeon Park, S. P. Jeon, Youngjin Kang, J. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Effects of Ti Doping on the Electrical Properties and Gate-Bias Stability of Amorphous Zinc–Tin–Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 5 (6), 3416–3425, 2023    [Link]

  4. Jeehoon KimSeungho Song, J. M. Lee, San Nam, J. Kim, D. K Hwang, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Metal-Oxide Heterojunction Optoelectronic Synapse and Multilevel Memory Devices Enabled by Broad Spectral Photocarrier Modulation
    Small, 19 (35), 2301186, 2023    [Link]

  5. G. H. Kim†, S. H. Kang†, J. M. Lee, M. Son, J. Lee, H. Lee, I. Chung, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, K. Ahn, S. K. Park*, M. G Kim*  (†equal contribution)
    Room temperature-grown highly oriented p-type nanocrystalline tellurium thin-films transistors for large-scale CMOS circuits
    Applied Surface Science, 636, 157801, 2023    [Link]

  6. Hyunhee Kim, Taegyu Kim, Youngjin Kang, S. P. Jeon, J. Kim, J. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Sub-Volt Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Enabled by Solution-Processed high-k Gd-Doped HfO2 Dielectric Films
    Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 166, 107746, 2023    [Link]

  7. P. Siribunbandal, T. Osotchan, Yong-Hoon Kim, Rawat Jaisutti*
    Highly Sensitive Colorimetric Ammonia Sensors Based on Polydiacetylene/Zinc Oxide Nanopellet-Embedded PDMS Films for Meat Spoilage Detection
    ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 5 (10), 7786–7794, 2023    [Link]

  8. Sunghyun ParkBoyeon Park, Woojong KimKunsang YooYong-Hoon Kim*
    Geometrically designed amorphous oxide semiconductor heterojunction thin-film transistors for enhanced electrical performance and stability
    Applied Physics Express, 16 (11), 111002, 2023    [Link]


  1. C. Jo, J.Kim, S. M. Kwon, J. Y. Kwak, Jeehoon Kim, G. S. Park, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* 
    Retina-Inspired Color-Cognitive Learning via Chromatically Controllable Mixed Quantum Dot Synaptic Transistor Arrays
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 34 (12), 2108979, 2022    [Link]

  2. Jeehoon Kim, Seungho SongHyunhee Kim, Gunsang Yoo, S. S. Cho, J. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Light-Stimulated Artificial Photonic Synapses Based on Solution-Processed In-Sn-Zn-O Transistors for Neuromorphic Applications

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 903, 163873, 2022    [Link]

  3. Kyobin Keum, S. S. Cho, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park* , Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Mechanically Robust Textile-Based Strain and Pressure Multimodal Sensors Using Metal Nanowire/Polymer Conducting Fibers
    iScience, Vol. 25 (4), 104032, 2022    [Link]

  4. Taegyu Kim, Youngjin Kang, Woojong Kim, J. B. Park, S. K. Park* , Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Optimization of Dual-Fuel Combustion Synthesis for Rapid Formation of Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Vol. 4 (3), 1327–1334, 2022    [Link]

  5. J. Kang,† Y. W. Jang,† S. H. Moon, Youngjin Kang, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution) 
    Symmetrically Ion-Gated In-Plane Metal-Oxide Transistors for Highly Sensitive and Low-Voltage Driven Bioelectronics
    Advanced Science, Vol. 9 (13), 2103275, 2022    [Link]

  6. P. Lee,† M. N. Le,† G. Kim, S. M. Kwon, J. W. Jo, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park, K. Ahn*, M. G. Kim*      (†equal contribution) 
    Efficient Oxygen-Vacancy Suppression and Electrical Stabilization of Solution-Processed In2O3:Q (Q=S,Se) Thin-Film Transistor with Chalcogen Alloying
    Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 8 (7), 2101250, 2022    [Link]

  7. P. Siribunbandal, Yong-Hoon Kim, T. Osotchan, Z. Zhu, R. Jaisutti* 
    Quantitative Colorimetric Detection of Dissolved Ammonia Using Polydiacetylene Sensors Enabled by Machine Learning Classifiers
    ACS Omega, Vol. 7 (22), 18714–18721, 2022    [Link]

  8. S. M. Kwon,† S. H. Kang,† S. S. Cho, Y. W. Jang, S. J. Nam, J. Kim, U. C. Moon, J. W. Shin, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*     (†equal contribution) 
    Bidirectionally Modulated Synaptic Plasticity with Optically Tunable Ionic Electrolyte Transistors
    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Vol. 4 (6), 2629-2635, 2022    [Link]

  9. Taegyu Kim, Kunsang Yoo,† M. G. Kim*, Yong-Hoon Kim*     (†equal contribution) 
    Photo-Regeneration of Zeolite-based Volatile Organic Compound Filters Enabled by TiO2 Photocatalyst
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 12 (17), 2959, 2022    [Link]

  10. S. J. Nam,† J. Y. Kwak,† S. M. Kwon, D. W. Kang, J. M. Lee, P. Lee, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. Kim*, S. K. Park*     (†equal contribution) 
    Enhanced optoelectronic properties of solution-processed metal-chalcogenide devices via hydrogen-driven post-annealing
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 926, 166780, 2022    [Link]

  11. O. Song,† D Rhee,† J. Kim, Y. Jeon, V. Mazánek, A. Söll, Y. A. Kwon, J. H. Cho, Yong-Hoon Kim, Z. Sofer, J. Kang*     (†equal contribution) 
    All inkjet-printed electronics based on electrochemically exfoliated two-dimensional metal, semiconductor, and dielectric
    npj 2D materials and applications, Vol. 6, 64, 2022    [Link]

  12. S. W. Cho†, C. Jo†, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*     (†equal contribution)
    Progress of Materials and Devices for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors 
    Nano-Micro Letters, Vol. 14, 203, 2022    [Link]

  13. S. S. Cho,† J. Kim,† S. Jeong, S. M. Kwon, C. Jo, J. Y. Kwak, D. H. Kim, S. W. Cho, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*     (†equal contribution)
    Highly adaptive and energy efficient neuromorphic computation enabled by deep-spike heterostructure photonic neuro-transistors
    Nano Energy, Vol. 104 (Part B), 107991, 2022    [Link]

  14. K. Pattanarat, N. Petchsang, T. Osotchan, I. -M. Tang, Yong-Hoon Kim, R. Jaisutti* 
    High Conductivity and Durability Textile Gas Sensor based Polyaniline-Decorated-PEDOT:PSS for Ammonia Detection
    ACS Applied Polymer Materials, Vol. 4 (12), 9006-9014, 2022    [Link]

  15. K. Ahn,† G. H. Kim,† S. J. Kim, J. Kim, G. S. Ryu, P. Lee, B. Ryu, J. Y. Cho, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. Kang, H. Kim, Y. Y. Noh*, M. G. Kim*     (†equal contribution)
    Highly Conductive p-Type Transparent Conducting Electrode with Sulfur-Doped Copper Iodide
    Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 34 (23), 10517-10527, 2022    [Link]


  1. Kyobin Keum, Jimi Eom, J. H. Lee, J. S. Heo, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Fully-Integrated Wearable Pressure Sensor Array Enabled by Highly Sensitive Textile-Based Capacitive Ionotronic Devices
    Nano Energy, Vol. 79, 105479, 2021    [Link]

  2. Seungho SongMinho Kim, Gunsang Yoo, S. M. Kwon, J. S. Heo, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Solution-Processed Oxide Semiconductor-based Artificial Optoelectronic Synapse Array for Spatiotemporal Synaptic Integration
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 857, 158027, 2021    [Link]

  3. Seungho Song, Jeehoon KimS. M. Kwon, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*    (†equal contribution)        invited review paper
    Recent Progress of Optoelectronic and All-Optical Neuromorphic Devices: A Comprehensive Review of Device Structures, Materials and Applications
    Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 3 (4), 2000119, 2021    [Link]

  4. J. Kim, Seungho SongYong-Hoon Kim*S. K. Park*
    Recent Progress of Quantum Dot‐based Photonic Devices and Systems: A Comprehensive Review of Materials, Devices, and Applications
    Small Structures, Vol. 2 (3), 2000024, 2021    [Link]

  5. Kyobin Keum, J. S. Heo, Jimi Eom, K. W. Lee, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Highly Sensitive Textile-Based Capacitive Pressure Sensors Using PVDF-HFP/Ionic Liquid Composite Films

    Sensors, Vol. 21 (2), 442, 2021    [Link]

  6. Youngjin Kang, Woobin Lee, Jaeyoung Kim, Kyobin Keum, S. H. Kang, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Effects of Crystalline Structure of IGZO thin films on the Electrical and Photo-Stability of Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 139, 111252, 2021    [Link]

  7. S. W. Cho, S. M. Kwon, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park
    Recent Progress in Transistor‐Based Optoelectronic Synapses: From Neuromorphic Computing to Artificial Sensory System
    Advanced Intelligent Systems, Vol. 3 (6), 2000162, 2021    [Link]

  8. H. Shin, Eunseong Yang, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. G. Kwak, Y. Kim*
    Fabrication of flexible electrode with sub-tenth micron thickness using heat-induced peelable pressure-sensitive adhesive containing amide groups
    Nanomaterials, Vol. 11 (5), 1250, 2021    [Link]

  9. Y. W. Jang, J. Kang, J. W. Jo, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Improved dynamic responses of room-temperature operable field-effect-transistor gas sensors enabled by programmable multi-spectral ultraviolet illumination
    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 342, 130058, 2021    [Link]

  10. M. N. Le†, K. J. Baeg†, K. T. Kim, S. H. Kang, B. D. Choi, C. Y. Park, S. P. Jeon, S. Lee, J. W. Jo, S. Kim, J. G. Park, D. Ho, J. Hong, M. Kim, H. K. Kim, C. Kim, K. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park*, M. G. Kim*      (†equal contribution) 
    Versatile Solution-Processed Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Superlattices for Ultraflexible and Transparent High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices
    Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 31 (29), 2103285, 2021    [Link]

  11. Minho Kim†, S. Oh†, Seungho Song, J. Kim*, Yong-Hoon Kim*      (†equal contribution) 
    Solution-Processed Memristor Devices Using a Colloidal Quantum Dot-Polymer Composite
    Applied Sciences, Vol. 11 (11), 5020, 2021    [Link]

  12. S. M. Kwon, J. Y. Kwak, Seungho Song, Jeehoon Kim, C.Jo, S. S. Cho, S. J. Nam, J. Kim, G. S. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* 
    Large-Area Pixelized Optoelectronic Neuromorphic Devices with Multispectral Light-Modulated Bidirectional Synaptic Circuits
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 33 (45), 2105017, 2021    [Link]

  13. K. Pattanarat, N. Petchsang, T. Osotchan, Yong-Hoon Kim, R. Jaisutti* 
    Wash-Durable Conductive Yarn with Ethylene Glycol-Treated PEDOT:PSS for Wearable Electric Heaters
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 13 (40), 48053–48060, 2021    [Link]

  14. H. Yim, So Y. Y., Y. H. Kim, K. H. Chae, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Kim, S. H. Baek, C. H. Lee, J. W. Choi*
    Defect-Controlled, Scalable Layer-by-Layer Assembly of High-k Perovskite Oxide Nanosheets for All Two-Dimensional Nanoelectronics
    Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 33 (22), 8685–8692, 2021    [Link]

  15. K. T. Kim, K. W. Lee, S. H. Kang, S. J. Nam, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* 
    Stress-Released Amorphous Oxide/Carbon Nanotube CMOS Amplifier Circuits for Skin-Compatible Electronics
    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Vol. 3 (11), 4950–4958, 2021    [Link]

  16. Boyeon Park, Minho Kim, Youngjin Kang, H. B. Park, M. G. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim
    Highly reliable implementation of optimized multicomponent oxide systems enabled by machine learning based synthetic protocol
    Small Methods, Vol. 5 (12), 2101293, 2021    [Link]


  1. Kye-Yong YangWoobin Lee, J, Y, Jeon T. J. Ha*, Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    Controlling the visibility of embedded silicon solar cells in building-integrated photovoltaic windows using surface structure modification and metal-oxide back coating
    Solar Energy, Vol. 197, 99-104, 2020     [Link]

  2. Minho Kim, Kungsang Yoo, S. P. Jeon S. K. Park*Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    The Effect of Multi-Layer Stacking Sequence of TiOx Active Layers on the Resistive-Switching Characteristics of Memristor Devices
    Micromachines, Vol. 11 (2), 154, 2020     [Link]

  3. J. W. Jo, S. H. Kang, J. S. Heo, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Flexible metal oxide semiconductor devices made by solution methods
    Chemistry: A European Journal, Vol. 26 (42), 9126-9156,  2020    [Link]

  4. Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Forum on Brain-Inspired Synaptic Devices for Neuromorphic Systems (Forum article)
    ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Vol. 2 (2), 309,  2020    [Link]

  5. Jaeyoung Kim,† Woobin Lee,† Seungbeom Choi, K. T. Kim, J. S. Heo, S. K. Park*Yong-Hoon Kim*        (†equal contribution)
    Dual-Gate Crystalline Oxide-Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors Utilizing Ion-Gel Gate Dielectric
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 515, 145988, 2020     [Link]

  6. J. H. Lee†, J. S. Heo†, Y. J. Kim, Jimi Eom, H. J. Jung, J. W. Kim, I. Kim, H. H. Park, H. S. Mo*, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution) 
    A Behaviour-Learned Cross-Reactive Sensor Matrix for Intelligent Skin Perception
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 32 (22) , 2000969, 2020   [Link]

  7. J. Kim, S. M. Kwon, C. Jo, J. S. Heo, W. B. Kim, H. S. Jung, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. G. Kim*, S. K. Park*        (†equal contribution)
    Highly Efficient Photo-Induced Charge Separation Enabled by Metal–Chalcogenide Interfaces in Quantum-Dot/Metal-Oxide Hybrid Phototransistors
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 12 (14), 16620-16629, 2020     [Link]

  8. J. C. Shin, S. M. Kwon, J. Kang, S. P. Jeon, J. S. Heo, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. W. Cho*, S. K. Park*
    Catalytic Metals-Accelerated Crystallization of High-Performance Solution-Processed Earth-Abundant Metal Oxide Semiconductors
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 12 (22), 25000–25010, 2020     [Link]

  9. Jaeyoung KimMinho Kim, Youngjin Kang, K. T. Kim, Jae-Sang Heo, S. K. Park*Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    Photoactivated High-k Lanthanum Oxide-Aluminum Oxide (La2O3-Al2O3) Alloy-Type Gate Dielectrics for Low-Voltage-Operating Flexible Transistors
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 842, 155671, 2020     [Link]

  10. K. T. Kim, S. Moon, Minho Kim, J. W. Jo, C. Y. Park, S. H. Kang, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* 
    Highly Scalable and Robust Mesa-Island Structure Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors and Integrated Circuits Enabled by Stress-Diffusive Manipulation
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 32 (40), 20032762020   [Link]

  11. H. T Choi, J. H. Kang, J. Ahn, J. Jin, Jaeyoung Kim, S. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. Kim, J. D. Song, G. W. Hwang, S. Im, W. Shim, Y. T. Lee*, M. C. Park*, D. K. Hwang* 
    Zero-Dimensional PbS Quantum Dot–InGaZnO Film Heterostructure for Short-Wave Infrared Flat-Panel Imager
    ACS Photonics, Vol. 7 (8), 1932–19412020   [Link]

  12. J. Kang, C. Park, S. H. Kang, S. Moon, Kyobin Keum, J. W. Jo, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*
    In-Plane Amorphous Oxide Ionotronic Devices and Circuits with Photochemically Enabled Favorable Interfaces
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 12 (39), 44288–44296, 2020     [Link]

  13. J. H. Lee, J. S. Heo, K. W. Lee, J. C. Shin, J. W. Jo, Yong-Hoon Kim*S. K. Park*        (†equal contribution)
    Locally Controlled Sensing Properties of Stretchable Pressure Sensors Enabled by Micro-Patterned Piezoresistive Device Architecture
    Sensors , Vol. 20 (22), 6588, 2020    [Link]

  14. Seungbeom Choi, Seungho Song, Taegyu Kim, J. C. Shin, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park*Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    Self-Aligned Top-Gate Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors using a Solution-Processed Polymer Gate Dielectric
    Micromachines, Vol. 11 (12), 1035, 2020     [Link]

  15. J. W. Jo, J. Kang, K. T. Kim, S. H. Kang, J. C. Shin, S. B. Shin, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Nanocluster-Based Ultralow-Temperature Driven Oxide Gate Dielectrics for High-Performance Organic Electronic Devices
    Materials, Vol. 13 (23), 5571, 2020     [Link]

  16. J. S. Heo, K. W. Lee, J. H. Lee, S. B. Shin, J. W. Jo, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. G. Kim*, S. K. Park* 
    Highly-Sensitive Textile Pressure Sensors Enabled by Suspended-Type All Carbon Nanotube Fiber Transistor Architecture
    Micromachines, Vol. 11 (12), 1103, 2020     [Link]​

  17. S. P. Jeon,† J. S. Heo,† I. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*S. K. Park*        (†equal contribution)
    Enhanced Interfacial Integrity of Amorphous Oxide Thin-Film-Transistors by Elemental Diffusion of Ternary Oxide Semiconductors
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 12 (52), 57996–58004, 2020     [Link]

  18. K. T. Kim, S. H. Kang, Jaeyoung Kim, J. S. Heo, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*
    An Ultra-Flexible Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Complementary Circuit Amplifier with Highly Reliable Electrical and Mechanical Stability
    Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 6 (1), 1900845,  2020    [Link]


  1. Jimi Eom, Y. R. Lee, J. H Lee, S. K. Park, Y. Jeong, J. S. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Highly conductive and stretchable fiber interconnections using dry-spun carbon nanotube fibers modified with ionic liquid/poly(vinylidene fluoride) copolymer composite
    Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 169, 1-6, 2019     [Link]

  2. C. Hwang,  J. S. Heo, K. T. Kim, Y. K. Kang,  B. Choi, Yong-Hoon Kim, A. Facchetti, S. K. Park*, M. G. Kim*
    Facile organic surfactant removal of various dimensionality nanomaterials using low-temperature photochemical treatment
    RSC Advances, Vol. 9, 730-737, 2019    [Link]

  3. Seungbeom Choi, Kyung-Tae Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    High-Mobility Inkjet-Printed Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Using Sr-Doped Al2O3 Gate Dielectric
    Materials, Vol. 12 (6), 852, 2019    [Link]

  4. Woobin Lee, Seungbeom Choi, Jaeyoung Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Solution-Free UV-Based Direct Surface Modification of Oxide Films for Self-Patterned Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
    Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 5 (5), 1900073, 2019    [Link]

  5. J. Y. Jeon†, B. S. Yu†, Yong-Hoon Kim*, T. J. Ha*       (†equal contribution)
    Solution-processed hybrid ambipolar thin-film transistors fabricated at low temperature
    Electronic Materials Letters,  Vol. 15 (4), 402–408, 2019    [Link]

  6. B. S. Yu†, J. Y. Jeon†, B. C. Kang, W. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, T. J. Ha*       (†equal contribution)       
    Wearable 1 V operating thin-film transistors with solution-processed metal-oxide semiconductor and dielectric films fabricated by deep ultra-violet photo annealing at low temperature
    Scientific Reports,  Vol. 9, 8416, 2019    [Link]

  7. Minkyung Lee, Seungho Song, Yong-Hoon Kim*   
    Emulation of synaptic behaviors using amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide-based photoelectric synaptic devices
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,  Vol. 58 (9), 090607, 2019    [Link]

  8. D. U. Lim†, Seungbeom ChoiS. Kim, Y. J. Choi, S. Lee, M. S. Kang, Yong-Hoon Kim*, J. H. Cho*       (†equal contribution)   
    All-Inkjet-Printed Vertical Heterostructure for Wafer-Scale Electronics
    ACS Nano,  Vol. 13 (7), 8213-8221, 2019    [Link]

  9. K. T. Kim, S. P. Jeon, Woobin Lee, J. W. Jo, J. S. Heo, I. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* 
    A Site-Specific Charge Carrier Control in Monolithic Integrated Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors and Circuits with Locally Induced Optical Doping Process
    Advanced Functional Materials,  Vol. 29 (39), 1904770, 2019    [Link]

  10. N. Indarit, Yong-Hoon Kim, N. Petchsang, R. Jaisutti*
    Highly sensitive polyaniline-coated fiber gas sensors for real-time monitoring of ammonia gas

    RSC Advances, Vol. 9 (46), 26773-26779, 2019    [Link]

  11. S. W. Cho, S. M. Kwon, Minkyung Lee, J. W. Jo, Yong-Hoon Kim*, H. K. Cho* and S. K. Park*
    Multi-Spectral Gate-Triggered Heterogeneous Photonic Neuro-transistors for Power-Efficient Brain-Inspired Neuromorphic Computing
    Nano Energy, Vol. 66, 104097, 2019    [Link]

  12. J. B. Arockiam, H. Son, S. H. Han, G. Balamurugan, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. S. Park*
    Iron Phthalocyanine Incorporated Metallo-Supramolecular Polymer for Superior Electrochromic Performance with High Coloration Efficiency and Switching Stability

    ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 2 (12), 8416-8424, 2019    [Link]

  13. S. M. Kwon, S. W. Cho, Minho Kim, J. S. Heo, Yong-Hoon Kim* , S. K. Park*
    Environment‐Adaptable Artificial Visual Perception Behaviors Using a Light‐Adjustable Optoelectronic Neuromorphic Device Array
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 31 (52), 1906433, 2019    [Link] 

  14. J. Kim, S. M.  Kwon, Y. K. Kang, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. J.  Lee, K. Han, A. Facchetti, M. G. Kim,* S. K. Park*
    A skin-like two-dimensionally pixelized full-color quantum dot photodetector
    Science Advances, Vol. 5 (11), eaax8801, 2019     [Link]​

  15. J. S. Heo†, S. P. Jeon†, I. Kim, Woobin Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution)
    Suppression of Interfacial Disorders in Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Thin-Film-Transistors by Mg Doping
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 11 (51), 48054-48061, 2019     [Link]


  1. Woobin Lee, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Enhanced subthreshold characteristics and operational stability in metal-oxide thin-film transistors using IGZO-capped bilayer channels
    Science of Advanced Materials, Vol. 10 (3), 443–447, 2018    [Link] 

  2. J. S. Heo, Jimi Eom, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution)        invited review paper
    Recent Progress of Textile-based Wearable Electronics: A Comprehensive Review of Materials, Devices and Applications
    Small, Vol. 14 (3), 1703034, 2018    [Link]

  3. J. W. Jo†, K. H. Kim†, Jaeyoung Kim, S. G. Ban, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution)
    High-Mobility and Hysteresis-Free Flexible Oxide Thin-Film Transistors and Circuits by using bilayer Sol-Gel Gate Dielectrics
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 10 (3), 2679–2687, 2018     [Link]

  4. C. W. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. J. Hong*, M. Lee*
    Improved charge injection of metal oxide thin-film transistors by stacked electrodes of indium tin oxide nanoparticles and silver nanowires
    Advanced Electronic Materials, Vol. 4 (4), 1700440, 2018     [Link]  

  5. Minkyung LeeMinho Kim, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Suppression of persistent photo-conductance in solution-processed amorphous oxide thin-film transistors
    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 112 (5), 052103, 2018     [Link]

  6. Jaeyoung Kim, Seungbeom Choi, J. W. Jo, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Solution-Processed Lanthanum-doped Al2O3 Gate Dielectrics for High-Mobility Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
    Thin Solid Films, 660, 814-818, 2018     [Link]​

  7. K. LeeYong-Hoon Kim, J. Kim, M. S. Oh*       (†equal)
    Transparent and flexible zinc tin oxide thin film transistors and inverters using low-pressure oxygen annealing process
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 72 (9), 1073–1077, 2018     [Link]

  8. Minkyung Lee, K. T. Kim, M. Lee, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim
    A study on the persistent photoconductance and transient photo-response characteristics of photochemically activated and thermally annealed indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin-film transistors
    Thin Solid Films, 660, 749-753, 2018     [Link]​

  9. S. M. Kwon, J. K. Won, J. W. Jo, J. Kim, H. J. Kim, H. I. Kwon, J. Kim, S. Ahn, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. J. Lee, H. Lee, T. J. Marks,*, M. G. Kim,* S. K. Park*
    High-performance and scalable metal-chalcogenide semiconductors and devices via chalco-gel routes
    Science Advances, Vol. 4 (4), eaap9104, 2018     [Link]​

  10. T. Y. Eom, C. H. Ahn, J. G. Kang, M. S. Salman, S. Y. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. J. Lee, C. M. Kang, C. Kang
    Investigation of the evolution of nitrogen defects in flash-lamp-annealed InGaZnO films and their effects on transistor characteristics
    Applied Physics Express, Vol. 11 (6), 061104, 2018     [Link]​

  11. S. W. Cho†, Y. B. Kim†, S. H. Jung, S. K. Baek, J. S. Kim, Minkyung Lee, H. K. Cho*, Yong-Hoon Kim
    All-solution-processed metal oxide/chalcogenide hybrid full-color phototransistors with multi-stacked functional layers and composition-gradient heterointerface
    Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 6 (17), 1800196, 2018     [Link]​

  12. M. Lee†, J. W. Jo†, Y. J. Kim†, S. M. Kwon, J. S. Pil, Seungbeom Choi, A. Facchetti*, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution)
    Corrugated Heterojunction Metal-Oxide Thin-Film-Transistors with High Electron Mobility via Vertical Interface Manipulation
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 30 (40), 1804120, 2018     [Link]


2017 (20 papers) 

  1. J. Kang, J. Kim, J. W. Jo, J. S. Heo, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Photochemical Molecular Tailoring for Efficient Diffusion and Reorganization of Organic Nanocrystals for Ultra-Flexible Organic Semiconductor Arrays
    Small, Vol. 13 (1), 1602467, 2017    [Link] 

  2. S. W. Cho†, D. E. Kim†, W. J. Kang, B. Kim, D. H. Yoon, K. S. Kim, H. K. Cho*, Yong-Hoon Kim, Y. Kim

    Chemical durability engineering of solution-processed oxide thin films and its application for chemically-robust patterned oxide thin-film transistors

    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 6, 339-349, 2017    [Link]

  3. B. Hwang, Y. An, H. Lee, E. Lee, S. Becker, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. Kim*
    Highly Flexible and Transparent Ag Nanowire Electrode Encapsulated with Ultra-Thin Al2O3: Thermal, Ambient, and Mechanical Stabilities
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, 339-349, 2017    [Link]

  4. Rawat Jaisutti†Minkyung Lee†Jaeyoung KimSeungbeom Choi, T. J. Ha, J. Kim, H. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*       (†equal contribution)
    Ultrasensitive Room-Temperature Operable Gas Sensors Using p-Type Na:ZnO Nanoflowers for Diabetes Detection
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 9 (10), 8796–8804, 2017    [Link]

  5. Jimi Eom, Rawat Jaisutti, H. Lee, Woobin Lee, J. S. Heo, J. Y. Lee, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Highly Sensitive Textile Strain Sensors and Wireless User-Interface Devices using All-Polymeric Conducting Fibers
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 9 (11), 10190–10197, 2017    [Link]

  6. B. Hwang, M. Kim, S. M. Cho, S. Becker, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. Kim*
    Embedded-Silver-Nanowire Electrode in Acrylic Polymer/Silicate Nanoparticle Composite for Highly Robust Flexible Devices
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 9134 (33), 45203, 2017    [Link]

  7. Minkyung LeeWoobin LeeSeungbeom Choi, J. W. Jo, J. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Brain-Inspired Photonic Neuromorphic Devices Using Photodynamic Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors and Their Persistent Photoconductivity
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 29 (28), 1700951, 2017    [Link]

  8. J. S. Heo†, T. Kim†, S. G. Ban, D. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. S. Jur, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, Y. Hong*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution)
    Thread-Like CMOS Logic Circuits Enabled by Reel-Processed Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Transistors via Selective Doping
    Advanced Materials, Vol. 29 (31), 1701822, 2017    [Link]

  9. S. W. Cho, Y. B. Kim, D. E. Kim, K. S. Kim, Y. D. Yoon, W. J. Kang, Woobin Lee, H. K. Cho*, Yong-Hoon Kim
    The pH-dependent corrosion behavior of ternary oxide semiconductors and common metals and its application for solution-processed oxide thin film transistors circuit integration
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 714, 572-582, 2017    [Link]

  10. J. S. Heo, Seungbeom Choi, J. W. Jo, J. Kang, H. H Park, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*    
    Frequency-Stable Ionic-Type Hybrid Gate Dielectrics for High Mobility Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
    Materials, Vol. 10 (6), 612, 2017    [Link]

  11. Woobin Lee, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    High-performance InOx/GaOx bilayer channel thin-film transistors made using persistent high-surface-energy induced by photochemical activation
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 723, 627-632, 2017    [Link]

  12. Jaeyoung Kim, Seungbeom Choi, Minho Kim T. J. Ha*, Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    Strontium Doping Effects on the Characteristics of Solution-Processed Aluminum Oxide Dielectric Layer and its Application to Low-Voltage-Operated Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors
    Ceramics International, Vol. 43 (16), 13576-13580, 2017    [Link]

  13. Seungbeom Choi, J. W. Jo,  Jaeyoung KimSeungho Song, J. Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Static and Dynamic Water Motion-Induced Instability in Oxide Thin-Film Transistors and its Suppression by Using Low-k Fluoropolymer Passivation
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 9 (31), 26161–26168, 2017    [Link]

  14. S. G. Ban, K. T. Kim, B. D. Choi, J. W. Jo,  Yong-Hoon Kim, A. Facchetti, M. G. Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Low Temperature Post-Functionalization of Highly Conductive Oxide Thin-Films Toward Solution-Based Large-Scale Electronics
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 9 (31), 26191–26200, 2017    [Link]

  15. K. LeeYong-Hoon Kim, S. M. Yoon, J. Kim*, M. S. Oh*       (†equal)
    Effects of channel thickness on oxide thin film transistor with double-stacked channel layer
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 71 (9), 561–564, 2017    [Link]

  16. J. W. Jo†, Yong-Hoon Kim†, J. Park, J. S. Heo, S. Hwang, W. J. Lee, M. H. Yoon, M. G. Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal contribution)
    Ultralow Temperature Solution-Processed Aluminum-Oxide Dielectrics via Local Structure Control of Nanoclusters
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 9 (40), 35114–35124, 2017    [Link]

  17. I. Hwang†, J. Kim†, Minkyung Lee, M. W. Lee, H. J. Kim, H. I. Kwon, D. K. Hwang, M. Kim, H. Yoon, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*      (†equal)
    Wide-Spectral/Dynamic-Range Skin-Compatible Phototransistors Enabled by Floated Heterojunction Structures with Surface Functionalized SWCNTs and Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors 
    Nanoscale, Vol. 9, 16711-16721, 2017    [Link]

  18. Kye-Yong YangJaeyoung Kim, H. K. Cho T. J. Ha*, Yong-Hoon Kim* 
    Environment-Stable Solar Window Modules Encapsulated with UV-Curable Transparent Resin
    Solar Energy, Vol. 158, 528-532, 2017    [Link]

  19.  Jimi Eom, J. S. Heo, Minho Kim, J. H. Lee, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Highly sensitive textile-based strain sensors using poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate/silver nanowire-coated nylon threads with poly-L-lysine surface modification
    RSC Advances, Vol. 7, 53373-53378, 2017   [Link]

  20. T. Park†, M. Leem†, H. Lee, W. Ahn, H. Kim, J. Kim, E. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. Kim*
    Synthesis of Vertical MoO2/MoS2 Core-Shell Structures on an Amorphous Substrate via Chemical Vapor Deposition
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 121 (49), 27693–27699, 2017    [Link]



2016 (15 papers) 

  1. J. Kim, J. Kim, S. Jo, J. Kang, J. W. Jo, M. Lee, J. Moon, L. Yang, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park* 

    Ultrahigh Detective Heterogeneous Photosensor Arrays with In-Pixel Signal Boosting Capability for Large-Area and Skin-Compatible Electronics

    Advanced Materials, Vol. 28 (16), 3078–3086, 2016   [Link]

  2. C. H. Ahn, S. H. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. K. Cho* 

    Extremely Thin Al2O3 Surface-Passivated Nanocrystalline ZnO Thin-Film Transistors Designed for Low Process Temperature

    Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 99 (4), 1305–1310, 2016   [Link]

  3. C. J. Park, J. S. Heo, K. T. kim, G. Yi, J. Kang, J. S. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*

    1-Dimensional fiber-based field-effect transistors made by low-temperature photochemically activated sol–gel metal-oxide materials for electronic textiles

    RSC Advances, Vol. 6 (22), 18596-18600, 2016   [Link]

  4. J. Yang, H. Kwak, Y. Lee, Y. S.Kang, M.  H. Cho, J. H. Cho, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. J. Jeong, S. Park, H. J. Lee, H. Kim*

    MoS2-InGaZnO Heterojunction Phototransistors with Broad Spectral Responsivity

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 8 (13),  8576–8582, 2016   [Link]

  5. Y. Lee, J. Yang, D. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. H. Park, H. Kim*, J. H. Cho* 

    Trap-induced Photoresponse of Solution–Synthesized MoS2

    Nanoscale, Vol. 8, 9193-9200, 2016   [Link]

  6. J. Kim, K. T. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park* 

    Monolithic Integration and Design of Solution-Processed Metal-oxide Circuitry in Organic Photosensor Arrays

    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 37 (5), 671-673, 2016   [Link]

  7. J. S. Heo, J. W. Jo, J. Kang, C. Y. Jeong, H. Y. Jeong, S. K. Kim, K. Kim,H. I. Kwon, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. G Kim*, S. K. Park* 

    Water-Mediated Photochemical Treatments for the Low-Temperature Passivation of Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 8 (16), 10403–10412, 2016   [Link]

  8. J. H. Park, Q. Sun, Y. Choi, S. Lee, D. Y. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. H. Cho* 
    Wafer-Scale Microwire Transistor Array Fabricated via Evaporative Assembly
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 8 (24), 15543–15550, 2016   [Link]

  9. S. W. Cho, B. Kim, J. H. Shin, W. J. Kang, M. G. Yun, S. K. Beak, H. K. Cho*, Yong-Hoon Kim, Y. Kim
    Chemically robust solution-processed indium zinc oxide thin film transistors fabricated by back channel wet-etched Mo electrodes
    RSC Advances, Vol. 6, 53310-53318, 2016   [Link]


  10. J. H. Choi, J. Kim, S. J. Oh, D. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. Chae, H. Kim*
    Optical and electrical properties of ZnO nanocrystal thin films passivated by atomic layer deposited Al2O3
    Metals and Materials International, Vol. 22 (4), pp 723-729, 2016   [Link]


  11. Rawat JaisuttiJaeyoung Kim, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Low-Temperature Photochemically Activated Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide for Highly Stable Room-Temperature Gas Sensors
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 8 (31), 20192–20199, 2016   [Link]


  12. J. S. Heo, K. T. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park*
    Low-Voltage Driven Reflective-Type Flexible Display Devices with Micro-Structured Inner Reflectors and Pillar-Shaped Spacers
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16 (11), 11372-11376, 2016   [Link

  13. Tae-Bin Lim, K. H. Cho, Yong-Hoon Kim*, Y. C. Jeong*
    Enhanced light extraction efficiency of OLEDs with quasiperiodic diffraction grating layer
    Optics Express, Vol. 24 (16) 17950-17959, 2016   [

  14. Woonghee Byun, Seungbeom Choi, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    Synthesis of High Aspect-Ratio Copper Nanowires for One-Dimensional Fillers in Conductive Fibers
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.
    16 (11), 11377-11380, 2016   [Link]

  15. M. G. Yun, Y. K. Kim, C. H.Ahn, S. W. Cho, W. J. Kang, H. K. Cho*, Yong-Hoon Kim
    Low voltage-driven oxide phototransistors with fast recovery, high signal-to-noise ratio, and high responsivity fabricated via a simple defect-generating process
    Scientific Reports
    , Vol. 6, 31991, 2016   [Link]


2015 (11 papers)  

  1. J. W. Cho, J. Kim, K. T. Kim, J. G. Kang, J. Kim, M. G. Kim, K. H. Kim, H. Ko, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park*

    Highly stable and imperceptible electronics utilizing photo-activated heterogeneous sol-gel metal-oxide dielectrics and semiconductors

    Advanced Materials, Vol. 27 (7), 1182-1188, 2015   [Link] 

  2. J. S. Heo, J. H. Kim, J. Kim, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park*
    Photochemically Activated Flexible Metal-oxide Transistors and Circuits using Low Impurity Aqueous System
    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 36 (2), 162-164, 2015   [Link]

  3. J. Eom, S. Choi, J. Y Jaung, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim*
    The Effects of Dry Ar Plasma Treatment on the Optical and Electrical Properties of Transparent Silver Nanowire Electrodes
    Science of Advanced Materials, Vol. 7 (8), 1520-1524, 2015   [Link]

  4. J. Kim, H. H. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Effect of Prebake Temperature on the Performance of Photochemically-annealed IGZO Thin Film Transistors
    Science of Advanced Materials, Vol. 7 (8), 1525-1529, 2015   [Link]

  5. S. Park, K. H. Kim, J. W. Jo, S. Sung, K. T. Kim, W. J. Lee, J. Kim, H. J. Kim, G. R. Yi, Yong-Hoon Kim, M. H. Yoon,* S. K. Park*
    In-depth Studies on Rapid Photochemical Activation of Various Sol-Gel Metal Oxide Films for Flexible Transparent Electronics
    Advanced Functional Materials,
    Vol. 25 (19), 2807-2815, 2015   [Link]

  6. Y. Choi†, W. Y. Park†, M. S. Kang, G. R. Yi, J. Y. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, J. H. Cho*   (†equal contribution)

    Monolithic Metal Oxide Transistors

    ACS Nano, Vol. 9 (4), 4288-4295, 2015   [Link]

  7. J. Yang, Y. Gu, E. Lee, H. Lee, S. H. Park, M. H. Cho, Y. H. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. Kim*  

    Wafer-scale synthesis of thickness-controllable MoS2 films via solution-processing using a dimethylformamide/n-butylamine/2-aminoethanol solvent system

    Nanoscale, Vol. 7 (20), 9311-9319, 2015   [Link]

  8. Woobin Lee, Minkyung Lee, G. M. Yi, S. K. Park,* Yong-Hoon Kim*  

    Photo-Activated Indium-Strontium-Zinc-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Using a Strontium Nitrate Precursor

    Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, , Vol. 10 (3), 366-370, 2015   [Link]

  9. J. Kim, M. G. Kim, J. Kim, S. Jo, J. Kang, J. W. Jo, Woobin Lee, C. Hwang, J. Moon, L. Yang, Y. H. Kim, Y. Y. Noh, J. Y. Jaung, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park* 

    Scalable Sub-micron Patterning of Organic Materials Toward High Density Soft Electronics

    Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 14520, 2015   [Link]

  10. S. J. Hong, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. J. Cha, Y. S. Kim* 

    Enhancement of Characteristics of Transparent Conductive Electrode on Flexible Substrate by Combination of Solution-Based Oxide and Metallic Layers

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 15 (10), 7997-8003, 2015   [Link]

  11. Woobin Lee, Seungbeom Choi, K. T. Kim, J. Kang, S. K. Park*, Yong-Hoon Kim* 

    Determination of Insulator-to-Semiconductor Transition in Sol-Gel Oxide Semiconductors using Derivative Spectroscopy

    Materials, Vol. 9 (1), 6, 2016   [Link]



2014 (11 papers) 

  1. K. Kim, J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park*

    In-situ Metallic Oxide Capping for High Mobility Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide TFTs

    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 35 (8), 850-852   [Link]

  2. J. W. Lee, S. H. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*

    Low-temperature Photo-activated Inorganic Electron Transport Layers for Flexible Inverted Polymer Solar Cells

    Applied Physics A, Vol. 116 (4), 2087-2093, 2014   [Link]

  3. J. Kim, S. Cho, J. Kang, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*

    Large-Scale Organic Single Crystal Thin Films and Transistor Arrays via Evaporation-Controlled Fluidic Channel Method

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 6 (10), 7133-7140, 2014   [Link]

  4. J. Kim, S. Cho, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park*

    Highly-Sensitive Solution-Processed 2,8-difluoro-5,11-bis (triethylsilylethynyl) Anthradithiophene (diF-TESADT) Phototransistors for Optical Sensing Applications

    Organic Electronics, Vol. 15 (9), 2099-2106, 2014   [Link]

  5. J. Kim, J. Kang, S. Cho, B. Yoo, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*

    Effects of Grain Boundaries on the Field-Effect Mobility Characteristics of Micro-rod Single Crystal Organic Transistors

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14 (11), 8153-8157, 2014   [Link]

  6. J. W. Jo, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*

    Light-Induced Hysteresis and Recovery Behaviors in Photochemically Activated Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105 (4), 043503, 2014   [Link]

  7. Yong-Hoon Kim, T. H. Kim, Y. Lee, J. W. Kim, J. Kim, S. K. Park*

    Contact-Enhanced Transparent Silver Nanowire Network for All Solution-Based Top-Contact Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14 (11), 8158-8162, 2014   [Link]

  8. S. J. Hong, J. W. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*

    Solution-processed silver nanowire/indium-tin-oxide nanoparticle hybrid transparent conductors with high thermal stability

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14 (12), 9504-9509, 2014   [Link]

  9. J. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*

    Mesoscale Control of Organic Crystalline Thin Films: Effects of Film Morphology on the Performance of Organic Transistors

    Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 65 (4), 496-501, 2014   [Link]

  10. C. H. Jo, J. H. Kim, J. Kim, J. Kim, M. S. Oh, M. S. Kang, M. G. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, B. K. Ju*, S. K. Park*
    Low-temperature annealed PbS quantum dot films for scalable ultra-flexible ambipolar thin-film-transistors and circuits
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C
    , Vol. 2 (48), 10305-10311, 2014   [Link]

  11. J. H. Kim, J. W. Lee, B. Yoo, J. K. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, S. K. Park*
    Hydrophobic perfluoropolymer thin-film encapsulation for enhanced stability of inverted polymer solar cells
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society
    , Vol. 65 (9), 1448-1452, 2014   [Link]



2013 (6 papers) 

  1. J. Kim, Y. J. Park, Y. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, C. J. Han, J. I. Han, M. S. Oh

    Effects of oxide electron transport layer on quantum dots light emitting diode with an organic/inorganic hybrid structure

    Electronic Materials Letters, Vol. 9, 779-782, 2013.

  2. Yong-Hoon Kim, K. H. Kim, S. K. Park

    Effects of Annealing Conditions on the Dielectric Properties of Solution-Processed Al2O3 Layers for Indium-Zinc-Tin-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, 7779-7782, 2013.

  3. S. J. Wang,Y. J. Choi, B. Yoo, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. H. Park

    Effect of Surface Chemisorption between Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrene sulfonate) and Ag Nanoparticles on the Conductivity of the Nanocomposite Film

    Chemistry Letters, Vol. 42, 615617, 2013.

  4. J. I. Han, C. Y. Lim, S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim*

    High-Performance 2,8-Difluoro-5,11-bis(triethylsilylethynyl) Anthradithiophene Thin-Film Transistors Facilitated by Predeposited Ink-Jet Blending

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 52,  031601, 2013.

  5. J. S. Lee, S. M. Song, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. Y. Kwon, M. K. Han

    Effects of O2 plasma treatment on low temperature solution-processed zinc tin oxide thin film transistors

    Physica Status Solidi A, Vol. 210 (9), 1745-1749, 2013.

  6. H. Kim, Y. J. Choi, Yong-Hoon Kim, and H. H. Park

    One-step synthesis of Pt nanoparticles incorporated direct-patternable SnO2 nanocomposite thin films

    Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 231, 385-388, 2013.



2012 (4 papers) 

  1. Yong-Hoon Kim, J. S. Heo, T. H. Kim, S. Park, M. H. Yoon, J. Kim, M. S. Oh, G. R. Yi, Y. Y. Noh, and S. K. Park

    Flexible metal-oxide devices made by room-temperature photochemical activation of sol–gel film

    Nature, Vol. 489, 128–132, 2012.                                             

  2. Yong-Hoon Kim, B. Yoo, J. E. Anthony, and S. K. Park

    Controlled Deposition of a High-Performance Small Molecule Organic Single-Crystal Transistor Array by Direct Ink-Jet Printing

    Advanced Materials, Vol. 24 (4), 497-502, 2012.

  3. Yong-Hoon Kim, J. E. Anthony, and S. K. Park

    Polymer blended small molecule organic field effect transistors with improved device-to-device uniformity and operational stability

    Organic Electronics, Vol. 13, 1152–1157, 2012.

  4. J. S Lee, Y. J. Kim, Y. U. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. Y. Kwon, and M. K. Han

    Effects of Annealing Temperature on Electrical Characteristics of Solution-Processed Zinc Tin Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, 061101, 2012.



2011 (4 papers) 

  1. Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, and S. K. Park

    Effect of Zinc/Tin Composition Ratio on the Operational Stability of Solution-Processed Zinc-Tin-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 50 – 52, 2011.

  2. Yong-Hoon Kim, and S. K. Park

    Morphology control of inkjet-printed small-molecule organic thin-film transistors with bank structures

    Journal of Information Display, Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 199 – 203,  2011.

  3. S. J. Oh, C. J. Han, J. W. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park, J. I. Han, J. W. Kang, and M. S. Oh

    Improving the electrical properties of zinc tin oxide thin film transistors using atmospheric plasma treatment

    Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, Vol. 14, pp. H354 – H357, 2011.

  4. K. H. Kim, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. J. Kim, J. I. Han, and S. K. Park

    Fast and Stable Solution-Processed Transparent Oxide Thin-Film Transistor Circuits

    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 524 – 526, 2011.



2010 (4 papers) 

  1. Yong-Hoon Kim, H. S. Kim, J. I. Han, and S. K. Park

    Solvent-mediated threshold voltage shift in solution-processed transparent oxide thin-film transistors

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, 092105, 2010.

  2. Yong-Hoon Kim, K. H. Kim, M. S. Oh, H. J. Kim, J. I. Han, M. K. Han, and S. K. Park

    Ink-jet-printed zinc–tin–oxide thin-film transistors and circuits with rapid thermal annealing process

    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 836 – 838, 2010.

  3. Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, M. K. Han, J. E. Anthony, J. Park, and S. K. Park

    Highly light-responsive ink-jet printed 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene phototransistors with suspended top-contact structure

    Organic Electronics, Vol. 11, pp. 1529 – 1533, 2010.

  4. Yong-Hoon Kim, M. K. Han, J. I. Han, and S. K. Park

    Effect of metallic composition on electrical properties of solution-processed indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin-film transistors

    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 1009 – 1014, 2010.


2009 (5 papers) 

  1. M. S. Kim, S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. W. Kang, and J. I. Han

    Glycerol-doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy-thiophene):poly(styrene-sulfonate) buffer layer for improved power conversion in organic photovoltaic devices

    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 156, No. 10, pp. H782 – H785, 2009.

  2. S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, and J. I. Han
    Effect of annealing treatment and surface morphology on power conversion in organic photovoltaics
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 48, 081505, 2009.


  3. S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, and J. I. Han
    High-resolution patterned nanoparticulate Ag electrodes toward all printed organic thin film transistors
    Organic Electronics,
    Vol. 10, pp. 1102 – 1108, 2009.


  4. S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, and J. I. Han
    All solution-processed high-resolution bottom-contact transparent metal-oxide thin film transistors
    J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.,
    Vol. 42, 125102, 2009.


  5. S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, H. S. Kim, and J. I. Han
    High performance solution-processed and lithographically patterned zinc–tin oxide thin-film transistors with good operational stability
    Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,
    Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. H256 – H258, 2009.



Before 2008 (13 papers) 

  • W. H. Lee, J. A. Lim, D. H. Kim, J. H. Cho, Y. Jang, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, and K. Cho

    Room-temperature self-organizing characteristics of soluble acene field-effect transistors

    Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 18, pp. 560 – 565, 2008.

  • S. J. Hong, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han
    Development of Ultrafine Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Nanoparticle for Ink-Jet Printing by Low-Temperature Synthetic Method
    IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 172 – 176, 2008.

  • Yong-Hoon Kim, Y. U. Lee, J. I. Han, S. M. Han, and M. K. Han

    Influence of Solvent on the Film Morphology, Crystallinity and Electrical Characteristics of Triisopropylsilyl Pentacene OTFTs

    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 154, Issue 12, pp. H995 – H998, 2007.

  • Yong-Hoon Kim, S. M. Han, W. Lee, M. K. Han, Y. U. Lee, and J. I. Han

    Organic thin-film transistors using suspended source/drain electrode structure

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, 042113, 2007.

  • D. H. Kim, D. Y. Lee, H. S. Lee, W. H. Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, and K. Cho

    High-Mobility Organic Transistors Based on Single-Crystalline Microribbons of Triisopropylsilylethynyl Pentacene via Solution-Phase Self-Assembly

    Advanced Materials, Vol. 19, pp. 678 – 682, 2007.

  • W. H. Lee, D. H. Kim, Y. Jang, J. H. Cho, M. Hwang, Y. D. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, and K. Cho

    Solution-processable pentacene microcrystal arrays for high performance organic field-effect transistors

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, 132106, 2007.

  • D. H. Kim, Y. D. Park, Y. S. Jang, H. C. Yang, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, D. G. Moon, S. J. Park, T. H. Chang, C. H. Chang, M. K. Joo, C. Y. Ryu, and K. Cho

    Enhancement of field-effect mobility due to surface-mediated molecular ordering in regioregular polythiophene thin film transistors

    Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 77 – 82, 2005.

  • Yong-Hoon Kim, D. G. Moon, and J. I. Han

    Organic TFT Array on a Paper Substrate

    IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol .25, No. 10, pp. 702 –704, 2004.

  • Yong-Hoon Kim, S. K. Park, D. G. Moon, W. K. Kim, and J. I. Han

    Organic Thin Film Transistor-Driven Liquid Crystal Displays on Flexible Polymer Substrate

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 6A, pp. 3605 – 3608, 2004.

  • S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, D. G. Moon, W. K. Kim, and M. G. Kwak

    Electrical characteristics of poly (3-hexylthiophene) thin film transistors printed and spin-coated on plastic substrates

    Synthetic Metals, Vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 377-384, 2003.

  • S. K. Park, Yong-Hoon Kim, J. I. Han, D. G. Moon, and W. K. Kim

    Electrical and mechanical properties of low temperature evaporated silicon dioxide/polyimide dual-layer insulator for plastic-based polymer transistor

    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 429, No. 1, pp. 231-237, 2003.

  • M. G. Kwak. J. I. Han. Yong Hoon Kim. S. K. Park. D. K. Lee. S. H. Sohn
    Improvement of luminance efficiency in xenon dielectric barrier discharge flat lamp
    IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 429, No. 1, pp. 176-178, 2003.

  • S. K. Park.  Yong Hoon Kim. J. I. Han. D. G. Moon, W. K. Kim
    High-performance polymer TFTs printed on a plastic substrate
    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 49, No. 11, pp. 2008-2015, 2002.

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